

This plugin has been closed as of मार्च 7, 2024 and is not available for download. कारण: सुरक्षा मुद्दा


मे 16, 2023
I tried several plugins and finally settled on this one, among other things it works well with the site with cache.
फेब्रुअरी 13, 2017 1 जवाफ
I have been using the plugin for years, just had a glitch when switching to a new hosting provider and after a few support emails back and forth, the issue was solved. Eric, Thanks for the great response time and help. My Banner Ads are back in business! Steve M.
सेप्टेम्बर 3, 2016 2 जवाफहरू
I posted a question 4 weeks ago on the forum and received no response. The plugin isn’t working for us.
सेप्टेम्बर 3, 2016
Works as expected. Make sure AdBlock is turned off for developing. Took me a while to figure that this might be the problem 😉
सेप्टेम्बर 3, 2016
Huge thanks for this simple and easy to use plugin. Works like charm. Keep it up!
सबै 32 समीक्षाहरू पढ्नुहोस्

योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू

“Ads by” खुला स्रोत सफ्टवेयर हो। निम्न व्यक्तिहरूले यो प्लगिनमा योगदान गरेका छन्।
