DB Edit All Contacts on 1 Settings Page


DB Edit All Contacts on 1 Settings Page is an easy solution for editing all contacts on 1 Settings Page. All phone numbers, e-mails, whatsapp and telegram chats are inserted further using easy shortcodes. Once changed on the Settings Page the contact is changed everywhere on the website.

You can use the following shortcodes:

Phone number

  • [db-phone] – to insert the phone number as text
  • [db-phone-link] – to insert the phone number as link
  • [db-phone-href] – to insert the href parameter of the phone number (tel:)


  • [db-email] – to insert the e-mail as text
  • [db-email-link] – to insert the e-mail as link
  • [db-email-href] – to insert the e-mail the href parameter of email (mailto:)


  • [db-whatsapp] – to insert the whatsapp number as text
  • [db-whatsapp-link] – to insert the whatsapp number as link
  • [db-whatsapp-href] – to insert the href parameter of the whatsapp number


  • [db-telegram] – to insert the telegram number as text
  • [db-telegram-link] – to insert the telegram number as link
  • [db-telegram-href] – to insert the href parameter of the telegram number


  1. Upload db-website-settings folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Enjoy


Why is it useful for my website?

You can use shortcodes for phone number, whatsapp, telegram, and e-mail, and insert them where needed. If once you need to change them, they will be changed automatically everywhere, where you had inserted them using the shortcodes.

Can I set several Phone numbers or E-mails?

Yes, you can add as many contacts as you need. For the 2nd contact of the same type and further it will be added the corresponding number. For example, [db-phone2] or [db-phone2-link].

You do not have to worry about the way how the shortcodes are formed. You will find them on the Settings page where you add the contacts.

Can I show Phone number, E-mail, Whatsapp and Telegram as a link?

Yes, you should use the corresponding shortcode. You will easily understand which one. To the right of each shortcode you will see an example, how it will work on a page.


सबै 1 समीक्षा पढ्नुहोस्

योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू

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विकासमा रुचि छ?

आरएसएस द्वारा कोड ब्राउज गर्नुहोस्, एसभीएन रिपजिटरी हेर्नुहोस्, वा विकास लग को सदस्यता लिनुहोस्।



  • Feature: Add script to dynamically change shortcode preview in admin panel.
  • Fix: Change the protocol of the Telegram link from tg:// to https:// and set the corresponding format.
  • Fix: Reload page right after saving the data to display the new data while using the shortcodes.


  • The plugin name is changed from ‘DB Website Settings’ to ‘DB Edit All Contacts on 1 Settings Page’
  • Compatible with WordPress 6.7
  • Security issues


  • New shortcode [db-email-href]
    > Attention! If you have earlier used mailto:[db-email] you need replace it with mailto:[db-email-href]


  • Optimization of the code of the plugin


  • Fixed direction for right-to-left (RTL) languages


  • Security issues


  • The possibility to add several telegram chats
  • Security issues


  • Security issues


  • Security issues
  • Shortcode for phone link


  • Fixed a bug: form not shown at some circumstances


  • Multisite compatibility


  • The possibility to add several phone numbers, whatsapp chats, e-mails
  • Compatible with GlotPress
  • Code optimized, CSS/JS minified


  • New options


  • Initial release.