This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Embed Grooveshark


The plugin that allowed to embed grooveshark widgets claims it is no more working and suggests some other alternatives.

I have not been able to find which is the plugin, if any, that adds the gigya shortcode. Maybe that’s only something for
blogs hosted in

Embedly looks good but not something I like so I decided to code a plugin to just embed grooveshark.






If you like the plugin please rate it. If you don’t like it, please contact us so we can address the problem or feature request.

Please if you find the plugin is not working for you and you report it, fill the form with what exactly do you think is not working. Thanks.

This plugin is provided as is by manfer (


  • Grooveshark playlist in a wordpress post.
  • Grooveshark Song Widget.
  • Grooveshark Playlist Widget.


  1. Download and unpack the download package.
  2. Upload the embed-grooveshark folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. You will now have your “grooveshark” shortcode and widgets available.


  • After you install this plugin you can start using the shortcode [grooveshark].
  • The available attributes for the shortcode are: type, id, width, height, style, skin, autoplay, swfobject, random.
  • Use the content (text between the start and close tags) of the shortcode as the alternative content to show to visitors that has not flash available.
  • For a more in detail tutorial and example on how to use the shortcode visit Embed Grooveshark Homepage.
  • You can use the available Grooveshark Song and Grooveshark Playlist widgets in your sidebars.

If you like the plugin please rate it. If you don’t like it, please contact us so we can address the problem or feature request.


यस प्लगिनको लागि कुनै समीक्षाहरू छैनन्।

योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू

“Embed Grooveshark” खुला स्रोत सफ्टवेयर हो। निम्न व्यक्तिहरूले यो प्लगिनमा योगदान गरेका छन्।




  • Fixed widget should not go over all content.


  • Added a new widget to include a list of songs.
  • Added type songlist to shortcode.


  • Initial release.

Known Issues