This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



Ever needed a voting plugin which acts like a question matrix?
Here is your solution. You don’t need any options in the backend and you can include this in any post or page.

It is based on shortcodes:
[fVote question=”Do you like?” subject=”rats,cats,squirrels” remarks=”much,little,not” button=”vote for your pet!” thanks=”Thank you”]

and to see the results as percent.
[fVote_results question=”Do you like?” total_votes=”total votes”]

Hopefully somebody needs that for something.


  • The voting unit
  • the results unit


  1. Upload ‘fVote’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Insert shortcodes from readme.txt to get started.


Where it is storing it’s results?

It creates a special table called wp_fvote inside your WordPress installation.

How can I get rid of the fVote results table?

Just Drop wp_fVote it with phpmyadmin or go to the main plugin file and uncomment line 39 (register_deactivation_hook) during its active.

Where can I read more?

Where can I get support?

Contact us at


यस प्लगिनको लागि कुनै समीक्षाहरू छैनन्।

योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू

“fVote” खुला स्रोत सफ्टवेयर हो। निम्न व्यक्तिहरूले यो प्लगिनमा योगदान गरेका छन्।




Initial release