Ginger tag remover strips tags that Ginger browser plugin inserts into the code.
This HTML tags will be removed:
<span class="GINGER_SOFATWARE_noSuggestion GINGER_SOFATWARE_correct">***CLEAN TEXT***</span>
<span class="GINGER_SOFATWARE_noSuggestion GINGER_SOFATWARE_SpellingCorrect">***CLEAN TEXT***</span>
<span class="GINGER_SOFATWARE_correct">***CLEAN TEXT***</span>
<span class="GINGER_SOFATWARE_spelling">***CLEAN TEXT***</span>
<span class="GINGER_SOFATWARE_mark" id="HEX-NUMBER">***CLEAN TEXT***</span>
<span id="HEX-NUMBER" class="GINGER_SOFATWARE_mark">***CLEAN TEXT***</span>
Every time you save post those HTML tags will be filtered out.
To remove tags from already published posts you will need to go into “All posts” page and search for “GINGER_” then open each listed post and click “Update” or “Save Draft” button.
Upload the Ginger tag remover plugin to your blog, Activate it
You’re done!
यस प्लगिनको लागि कुनै समीक्षाहरू छैनन्।
योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू
“Ginger tag remover” खुला स्रोत सफ्टवेयर हो। निम्न व्यक्तिहरूले यो प्लगिनमा योगदान गरेका छन्।
योगदानकर्ताहरू“Ginger tag remover” लाई आफ्नो भाषामा अनुवाद गर्नुहोस्
विकासमा रुचि छ?
आरएसएस द्वारा कोड ब्राउज गर्नुहोस्, एसभीएन रिपजिटरी हेर्नुहोस्, वा विकास लग को सदस्यता लिनुहोस्।
- Added support for GINGER_SOFTWARE and GINGER_SOFATWARE tags
- Added support for new “GINGER tags”
- Initial release