Marvy – Background Animations for Elementor


Marvy is the best solution for users who need beautiful animations for creative and professional projects. This Elementor plugin for animation contains lots of handy items in many different styles. You can quickly add animation to your design and get the best results in minimum efforts.

Marvy is carefully created to fit your needs. We bet this Animation plugin will be extremely handy tool for your upcoming projects. Additionally, Marvy is well organized and very easy to customize.

How people use Marvy Animations

Check out live demo | Documentation | PRO

When you activate the plugin, you get 7 Unique and Stunning background animation:

  • Ripple Animation
  • Rotate Animation
  • Drop Animation
  • Flying Objects Animation
  • Wave Animation
  • Rings Animation
  • Topology Animation
  • Gradient Animation
  • Snow Animation
  • Cloud Animation

We’ve added ready to use addon for Elementor Pagebuilder. With our trendy backgroud animations bring your site to life.

Every animation is fully responsive and will make your creation look good on any device.


  • The Rotate Animation with Particles
  • The Drop Animation Pure CSS
  • The Ripple Effect Animation
  • The Flying Objects Animation


  1. Upload the plugin and activate it (alternatively, install through the WP admin console)
  2. Edit any page/post using edit with elementor option
  3. Add new Section.
  4. Apply any background animation from Layout section
  5. Customize the options and add the content
  6. Hurray! in a minute you have added the Section background animation


Can I use the plugin without Elementor Page Builder?

No. You cannot use without Elementor since it’s an addon for Elementor.

Does it work with any theme?

Of course, you can use it with any theme which supports Elementor.

Can I suggest/request any animation or addon to be added?

Yes, we will love to hear from you at


जुलाई 5, 2022
its really amazing hope to dont see This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
जुलाई 17, 2021
wanna say thanks for this plugin marvy can improve ui of any site
सेप्टेम्बर 10, 2020
Creo que hoy por hoy tenemos una epidemia en la que los estándares impuestos por Google y algo de WordPress hace que en su gran mayoría casi todos los sitios web se vean igual. Creo por eso algunos extrañamos algunas cosas que se hacían antiguamente con Flash. Pero ahora están surgiendo muchas herramientas y plugins que permiten hacer animaciones, y enriquecer de alguna manera los sitios web para que estos se vean diferente y sean más atractivos e interactivos. Este plugin particularmente me parece maravilloso, lo pudimos usar para implementar una gráfica para un laboratorio de genética, en el cual necesitamos algo así como un movimiento molecular. Funcionó perfecto para lo que queríamos lograr y le añadió mucha riqueza gráfica al sitio. Creo que este plugin bien usado en un contexto adecuado es una verdadera maravilla. Muchas gracias a la persona o personas que lo hicieron posible.
सबै 6 समीक्षाहरू पढ्नुहोस्

योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू

“Marvy – Background Animations for Elementor” खुला स्रोत सफ्टवेयर हो। निम्न व्यक्तिहरूले यो प्लगिनमा योगदान गरेका छन्।



= 1.7.3 – 06/12/2024
* Bug Fix
* WordPress Stable Update

= – 16/11/2023
* Bug Fix

= – 30/10/2023
* Bug Fix

= 1.7.2 – 30/10/2023
* Bug Fix

= 1.7.1 – 22/08/2023
* Bug Fix

= 1.7.0 – 11/06/2023
* [Add] Support of Elementor Flexbox Container.
* [Fixed] Elementor Global color issue.

= 1.6.3 – 23/04/2022
* Bug Fix

= 1.6.2 – 23/04/2022
* Added Cloud Animation

1.6.1 – 23/10/2021

  • Optimization
  • Bug Fixes

1.6.0 – 24/07/2021

  • Added: Firework Animation

1.5.2 – 12/05/2021

  • Bug Fixes

1.5.1 – 26/04/2021

  • Ripple Animation Responsive
  • Bug Fixes
  • Js Optimization

1.5.0 – 2/12/2020

  • Make Animation Responsive

1.4.2 – 11/11/2020

  • Bug Fixes

1.4.1 – 30/10/2020

  • Bug Fixes

1.4.0 – 21/10/2020

  • License Module Added and Bug Fixes

1.3.0 – 10/10/2020

  • Maintenance Mode Bug fixes

1.2.0 – 03/10/2020

  • Added: Snow Animation

1.1.0 – 28/09/2020

  • Added: Gradient Animation

1.0.1 – 05/09/2020

  • Bug Fixes

1.0.0 – 04/09/2020

  • Initial stable release