प्लगिन ट्याग: buddypress
Forum Redirect
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Allows you to override the default behavior of bbPress forums, linking them to an external site.
BuddyPress Members Only
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)BuddyPress Members Only restricts Your Buddypress and Wordpress to logged in/registered members.
WP-Stateless – BuddyPress Addon
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Provides compatibility between the BuddyPress and the WP-Stateless plugins.
BuddyPress Last Comments Widget
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Shows a list of most recently added BP activity comments.
Simple BuddyPress Signup Avatar
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Enhances BuddyPress registration by allowing users to upload avatars during sign-up.
FrontPage Buddy – Custom landing pages for members, groups and profiles
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Personalised front pages for buddypress & buddyboss members & groups, bbpress profiles and 'Ultimate Member' profiles.
LH Event Tickets RSVPs
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Improves the display of Modern Trtibes Event Tickets RSVP's, dramatically
Codeies – Elite user Ratings
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Elite User ratings allows your visitors to submit user reviews with a 1-5 star rating on your website