With this plugin you can easily add your conversion tracking code for woocommerce, it will be automatically called in your Woocommerce\’s thank you page. You can also add multiple tracking codes.
This free plugin was created for AffiliationSoftware\’s users but you can use it with any tracking code you want.
You can use the following paramters to dynamically add the order\’s data in your tracking code:
[order_id] Number of the order
[order_total] Total amount of the order
[order_subtotal] Products\’ total cost
[order_shipping] Shipping total cost
[order_tax] Taxes total cost
[order_discount] Discount total amount
[order_coupon] Coupon name (if any)
[order_currency] Currency used
[order_ip] User\’s IP address
[customer_id] Customer\’s ID
[customer_email] Customer\’s email\’
[customer_first_name] Customer\’s first name
[customer_last_name] Customer\’s last name
[customer_country] Customer\’s country
[payment_method] Payment method
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