This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

AL Frontend Publish Editor


This plugin add frontend editor to your web-site. The plugin is easy to use. Please create empty page for editor, put shortcode [alshc_post_editor] on the created page.
Click to “WP FRONTEND PUBLISH EDITOR” menu in admin console. Follow to the instructions: set users capabilities and select the created page.


  • Frontend editor page view
  • Frontend editor add new block
  • Frontend editor change block features
  • Backend editor menu item
  • Backend editor manual
  • Backend editor page selection
  • Backend editor user capabilities


  1. Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Create a page for Editor
  4. Put shortcode [alshc_post_editor] on the created page
  5. Open setting page in admin console – “WP FRONTEND PUBLISH EDITOR”
  6. Follow to instructions:
    6.1. Select the created page as Editor page
    6.2. Cet users capabilities
  7. Enjoy!


What is Editor the plugin based on?

The plugin based on EditorJS ( Based on documentation of the Editor this software is Open Source project. If you are interested in the Editor you can donate for the project.

How can I add blocks to the Editor

The Editor team develope new features for their project so you can update the editor from the project sources (

If I need any special features

Contact to author of this plugin for commercial support.


यस प्लगिनको लागि कुनै समीक्षाहरू छैनन्।

योगदानकर्ता र डेभलपरहरू

“AL Frontend Publish Editor” खुला स्रोत सफ्टवेयर हो। निम्न व्यक्तिहरूले यो प्लगिनमा योगदान गरेका छन्।


“AL Frontend Publish Editor” 1 लोकेलमा अनुवाद गरिएको छ। योगदानको लागि अनुवादकहरूलाई धन्यवाद।

“AL Frontend Publish Editor” लाई आफ्नो भाषामा अनुवाद गर्नुहोस्

विकासमा रुचि छ?

आरएसएस द्वारा कोड ब्राउज गर्नुहोस्, एसभीएन रिपजिटरी हेर्नुहोस्, वा विकास लग को सदस्यता लिनुहोस्।


1.0 Initial version.