प्लगिन ट्याग: GPX
OSM – OpenStreetMap
(133 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Customize maps in your post, pages and widgets. GPX, KML and more. The easy way to map!
(57 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Draws a GPX track with altitude graph. You can also display your nextgen gallery images in the map.
Extensions for Leaflet Map
(21 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Extends the WordPress Plugin Leaflet Map with Leaflet Plugins and other functions.
GPX Viewer
(5 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Display GPX tracks with their elevation profile on OSM maps, edit them interactively
Lf Hiker
(6 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Lf Hiker is a plugin for quickly display your gpx tracks with their profile elevation on an interactive map.
Images with GPS on GoogleMaps
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Images with GPS on Google Maps displays your photos on a Google Maps map using GPS or without GPS Geotags.
WP Trip Summary
(4 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)A WordPress trip summary plugin to help travel bloggers manage and display structured information about their train rides and biking or hiking trips.
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)gcStats plugin to embed some statistics with found geocaches in your blog.
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Create a Google Map, Elevation image or Speed image from your (Garmin) GpX files.
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)BSPlaces extends WordPress of simple gps position and gpx tracks management. Default visualization engine is api.mapy.cz.