प्लगिन ट्याग: health
WP Server Health Stats
(108 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Monitor your WP site the right way with most important stats like Database, PHP details, PHP Memory, RAM Usage, CPU load, Server Uptime & more.
WP Calorie Calculator
(9 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)For all experts in fitness, health & calories-dependent nutrition or sports: meet the most effective marketing feature for your WordPress website!
BMI Adult & Kid Calculator
(2 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)We have developed a free Wordpress plugin with our BMI Calculator that you can use completely free of charge.
BMI / IMC Calculator
(2 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)A simple calculator to show your users BMI (Body Mass Index)
Site Health Manager
(4 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Control which status tests and what debug information appear in your Site Health screen.
Agency Toolkit
(2 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)The Agency Toolkit plugin provides a lightweight way for agency owners, freelancers and website owners to quickly debug, optimize, and streamline the …
CFF Fitness and Health Operations
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Implements fitness and health operations module to use with the Calculated Fields Forms equations.
Responsive BMI Calculator
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)A BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator, free, responsive and easy to use. The user receives his BMI and medical advices according to the World Health Orga …
WP Health Check
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)WP Health Check scans your WordPress installation and reports any security issues with your site.
Simple BMI Form
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)BMI calculator form. The visitor may select Imperial, US or Metric units.
Calotor Calorie Counter
(2 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Provide your visitors the ability to figure out their basal metabolic rate, based on their age, sex and weight.
Healthy BMI Calculator
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Adds a shortcode and widget that will display a simple BMI Calculator on your site. Works with both metric and US style measurements.
Air Quality Plugin
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)This plugin was made mainly to display air quality from closest air pollution detector
Insticator Turn Engagement into Revenue
(14 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Activate your static visitors with the Insticator Widget.
Health & Medical Addons for KingComposer
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)This plugin works best with Nilima Theme – 100% Free
Go Exercise
(1 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)A plugin Designed specifically for the small gym owner. Create exercises for your members and display exactly which areas of the body they are working …
Patient Education H1N1
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)This plugin allows WordPress users to embed interactive flash health education tutorials within a wordpress page or post.
Info Nutricional
(3 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)Calculates and display a Nutrition Facts label for a recipe. Nutrition values are calculated from the ingredients and quantities in the recipe.
Nutritional Value Facts Table
(0 कुल रेटिङ्गहरू)With This Plugin We Can Add The Nutritional Information Of Foods. We Can Add Calories, Carbs, Fats, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals and Omega 3 Omega 6 Ratio. We can write about the benefits of that particular food. This is the most complete nutritional facts label on the plugin market for Wordpress.